Customer Choice Service Types
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has established rules for customers who choose to switch from traditional bundled electric service to Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) or Direct Access (DA) service. The following is intended to help you better understand these rules and the different providers of electric generation services.
Bundled Service
Customers that receive both electric generation and electric delivery service from SDG&E receive what is called "bundled service." The electric generation and delivery rates are bundled together into a single pricing plan. Customers who receive electric generation from a Community Choice Aggregator or Electric Service Provider, but receive electric delivery service from SDG&E, have an unbundled pricing plan that includes the electric delivery service only.
Transitional Bundled Service
Transitional Bundled Service (TBS) is an electric generation rate for Direct Access and Community Choice Aggregation customers for whom SDG&E procures electric energy on a temporary basis. This applies to:
- Customers who opt out of a CCA after the notification period and do not provide a six-month notice to return to SDG&E bundled service.
- Direct Access customers who do not provide a six-month notice to return to SDG&E bundled service.
- Direct Access customers who receive electric generation from SDG&E during the transition between electric service providers.
Pricing plan estimates and bill forecasts are based on SDG&E bundled prices and are not calculated using TBS generation rates.
Community Choice Aggregation (CCA)
Community Choice Aggregators purchase electricity, and establish their own generation rates and prices for customers within their jurisdiction. Pricing Plan estimates and bill forecasts are based on SDG&E bundled prices and are not calculated using CCA generation rates.
For a comparison of CCA and SDG&E rate prices, view our Joint Rate Comparison. For questions related to CCA rates and prices, please contact your CCA.
Direct Access (DA)
Direct Access is a program that allows eligible non-residential customers to receive their electric generation from Energy Service Providers (ESPs). ESPs purchase electric energy, and establish their own generation rates and prices for customers.
For questions related to an ESPs rates and prices, please contact your ESP. For general information about the Direct Access program, visit our DA page.